Food Find: JUST Folded Plant Eggs

Lindsay Moyer/CSPI.
“Made from plants (not chickens),” says the JUST Folded Plant Eggs package.
The main ingredient? Mung bean protein isolate. The sunny hue? Turmeric and carrot. The taste? Eggy, indeed.
We found it tricky to match the texture of scrambled eggs using JUST’s bottled liquid eggs. But its precooked frozen folded eggs take care of that for you.
Each 100-calorie “plant egg” supplies 7 grams of bean protein plus healthy fats from canola oil, with just half a gram of saturated fat. One large chicken egg—before you season or sauté it—has 70 calories, 6 grams of protein, 1½ grams of sat fat, and two-thirds of a day’s cholesterol (the plant egg has none).
The downside: JUST’s 300 milligrams of sodium dwarfs an unseasoned chicken egg’s 65 mg. So does its price (around $5 for four).
“You can heat it in a toaster, microwave, oven or skillet, but our chefs swear by a classic pop-up toaster,” says JUST’s website.
No argument there. Then just stuff the patty into a whole wheat English muffin or tortilla. Or halve it into two triangles and nestle atop avocado toast. Or chop into small strips or cubes to mix into veggie fried rice or cauliflower “rice.”
Still feel like scrambling? Try our Dish of the Month: an eggcellent tofu recipe from Healthy Cook Kate Sherwood.
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