Since 1971, CSPI has been a strong advocate for nutrition and health, food safety, and sound science.
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Explore our issues

Nutrition and health
Transforming the food environment in schools, restaurants, grocery stores, and public places.
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Food safety
We fight to keep food free of dangerous pathogens, fight antibiotic resistance, control and label food allergens, and curb the use of unsafe food additives.
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CSPI's Project on Biotechnology monitors the genetically engineered product pipeline, as well as the regulations governing it.
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Vitamins & supplements
A few dietary supplements are clearly beneficial to health, but misinformation and scams abound. CSPI provides accurate, reliable information to consumers.
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Throughout the pandemic, CSPI has been providing accurate, updated information to the public and holding government and industry accountable.
See the latestThe latest
Trump’s tariffs and trade wars threaten our food security

Closed-door debut of the MAHA Commission is a shaky start, scholars say

Little evidence of sodium reduction in food supply despite ‘encouraging’ data published by FDA

FDA’s delay of traceability rule is a step backwards on transparency, food safety

Looking for missing federal agency documents? We can help

Advocacy resources
Featured resources for supporters, advocates and partners.
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Make your voice heard in Washington, in state capitals, and in corporate boardrooms.