Testimony of CSPI president, Peter Lurie, at an FDA listening session on advisory committees

CSPI president Peter Lurie


Re: optimizing the use of, and processes for, advisory committees

Prior to joining CSPI, Peter Lurie, MD, MPH was the Associate Commissioner for Public Health Strategy and Analysis at the FDA where he managed the Transparency Task Force. He also authored a 2006 article, published in JAMA, that found a “small” relationship between certain types of conflicts-of-interest and voting behaviors. In his testimony, linked below, he addressed four points related to the transparency and accountability of FDA advisory committees:

  1. Voting should be maintained in advisory committee meetings
  2. Reasons for recusing advisory committee members due to conflicts should be made public
  3. Advisory committee members’ section 502 conflicts should be made public
  4. The FDA and sponsor presentations should be independent

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