CSPI urges confirmation of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra as HHS Secretary

Statement of CSPI President Dr. Peter G. Lurie
It is no exaggeration to say that Americans depend on the Department of Health and Human Services and its agencies now more than ever before. Besides administering Medicaid and Medicare and implementing the Affordable Care Act, the Department is on the front lines trying to end the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s also fair to say that for four years, the Department has been under assault from within, having survived two bungling secretaries who often prioritized short-term political advantage over science and health.
It’s time to right the ship. That’s why the Center for Science in the Public Interest strongly supports the nomination of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to be Secretary of Health and Human Services. While in Congress, Becerra had been a principal legislative architect of the Affordable Care Act, and as California Attorney General Becerra has led its defense in court. Becerra understands the role that prevention and wellness play in promoting health, he respects the role of science and scientists in setting health policies, and he is committed to ending health disparities and ensuring that health care is delivered equitably in this country. We urge the Senate to confirm him without delay.
Contact Info: Jeff Cronin or Richard Adcock