Food Fail: Cinnabon "Breakfast Creations"

“Enjoy our new twist on breakfast with these craveable sweet and savory breakfast products made at home!” saysCinnabon’s website.
Who isn’t looking for new breakfast products...especially ones like Cinnabon’s “breakfast creations,” which are frozen, so you can “make” (that is, heat them up) at home!
And what creations they are! Take the Caramel Pecan Ooey-Gooey Rolls. Each one packs 510 calories, 9 teaspoons of added sugars (three-quarters of a day’s worth), and a third of a day’s saturated fat. You might as well eat 10 Oreos for breakfast.
The rolls’ three dozen ingredients include white flour, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, margarine, palm oil, and artificial flavors.
Pecans? Last on the list...but somehow right there in the name!
The smaller Frosting Filled CinnaPastry bumps up the sat fat (to half a day’s worth), thanks to the cream cheese frosting (with more sugar and margarine than cream cheese). Yum!
Then there’s the CinnaBiscuit Chicken Sandwich, with its cinnamon sauce (mainly brown sugar, water, sugar, and corn syrup) and cream cheese frosting chips (largely sugar and palm oil).
“Celebrating the simple pleasures that make life sweeter,” says Cinnabon.
They sure nailed that “sweeter” part.—(888) 288-7655