Food Fail: Olive Garden Never Ending Stuffed Pastas

Olive Garden.
“Never Ending Stuffed Pastas have arrived,” said Olive Garden’s website in February. “Pick your pasta, sauce and topping—plus all the soup or salad and breadsticks you want—over and over.”
Yesss! For a limited time, diners could plunk down $11.99 or so and order as many pastas—Cheese Stuffed Shells, Cheese Ravioli, deep-fried Stuffed Ziti Fritta—as they liked.
And they could switch from Alfredo to Traditional Marinara to Five Cheese Marinara to Meat Sauce with each new dish. As Olive Garden’s Facebook urged, “Order. Eat. RepEAT!”
It was a veritable orgy of white flour and cheese. Even without paying extra for “toppings” (meatballs, chicken, shrimp, scallops), the variety was nearly endless.
Let’s say you started with Cheese Stuffed Shells with Alfredo sauce. Hello, 1,280 calories! (Don’t forget the 1,990 milligrams of sodium and 60 grams—three days’ worth—of saturated fat.)
Then you repEATed with, say, Stuffed Ziti Fritta with Five Cheese Marinara sauce. Ka-ching! 830 more calories.
And that’s without any toppings or unlimited breadsticks and soup or salad.
It’s never ending...kind of like the extra fat cells our bodies create to stash it all.—(800) 331-2729
Photo: Olive Garden.