Food Porn: Denny's Dulce de Leche Crunch Pancake Breakfast

Jennifer Urban - CSPI.
Denny’s is on a mission to rebrand. A new artisan flair has arrived!
Take the Dulce de Leche Crunch Pancake Breakfast, part of Denny’s “Premium Craft Pancakes” line.
The “new cinnamon crumb topping cooked into two buttermilk pancakes and topped with whipped cream” comes with “a pitcher of warm salted caramel for drizzling.”
What says “Premium Craft” more than drowning two white-flour pancakes in “crumb” (read: sugary) topping, caramel, and whipped cream? It’s a 1,220-calorie dessert dressed up to look like breakfast!
You know it’s breakfast because Denny’s serves the pancakes with two eggs, hash browns, and two slices of bacon or sausage links. (A breakfast of either pancakes or bacon, eggs, and hash browns? So outdated.)
All told, Denny’s sends you home with at least 1,740 calories and a day’s worth of saturated fat (21 grams) and sodium (2,900 milligrams), along with roughly 24 teaspoons of added sugar.
“Feeding our guests in the literal sense will always be at our core, but feeding their souls is arguably one of the most important,” Denny’s chief marketing officer told Forbes in March.
Watch out, soul. Incoming!
Phone: (800) 733-6697
Photo: Jennifer Urban/CSPI.