A listing of hot cereals mentioned in the November 2022 “Some like it hot” article that are labeled gluten-free

This information was compiled as of September 2022. Product formulation and labeling can change at any time. Please check packages for a “gluten-free” label before you buy.

Links are provided for identification purposes only. Nutrition Action doesn’t accept any paid advertising or corporate or government donations. Any products we recommend have been vetted by our staff and are not advertisements by the manufacturers. 

Steel cut shortcuts

Oats & more

  • None of the products mentioned in this section are gluten-free.

Super seeds

Easy muesli

Give bran a chance

Dropping sugar

A protein pick

DIY instant

  • Quaker GLUTEN FREE Quick 1-Minute Oats (Note that Quaker makes both regular and gluten-free versions of this product. Look for the canister labeled GLUTEN FREE on the front. The version pictured in the article is NOT gluten-free.)

A savory start

The quinoa product pictured in the article is not labeled gluten-free, but many brands offer quinoa that is labeled gluten-free. Some gluten-free examples include:

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