Sugar Shock: Skittles
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Sugar Shock The American Heart Association recommends a limit of 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day for children and adolescents. The average 2-19 year-old consumes 19 teaspoons of added sugar per day. That's like eating... Nearly two bags of Skittles every day Skittles ORiginAL + = OR In one year, that's the equivalent of eating... Skittles Skitties ORiginAL ORiginAL ORiginAL 635 Skittle Skitt Skittles ORiginAL bags of Skittles Skittles ORiginAL Skittles ORiginAL Skit Skittles ORiginAL ORiginAL 116,800 calories from added sugar CENTER FOR Science IN