January/February 2024
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Fact vs. Fiction
5 food & supplement ideas to doubt
When it comes to food and supplements, confusion abounds. One reason: Some ideas catch on and linger, despite iffy evidence or, worse yet, studies that prove them flat-out wrong.

Preventing Disease
What to do if you have osteoarthritis
Roughly 33 million Americans are living with osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease that can make it a challenge to get through the day. Here’s the latest on what causes the pain and stiffness and what may (or may not) help.

Healthy Eating
How to pick a reliable pasta sauce

Healthy Eating
5 healthier takes on pasta

Healthy Eating
What makes you eat more?

Weight and Health
Peter's Memo: The skinny on the new obesity drugs

Weight and Health
Our guide to food-tracking apps

Additives & Contaminants
California bans Red 3 and three more food additives
In October, California banned the use of four food additives. Companies have until 2027 to reformulate—or stop selling—products that contain them. Until then (and for everyone outside California), here’s what to know about the four.
Quick Studies
A snapshot of the latest research on diet, exercise, and more.